
The good news is that you have David chompin' at the bit to come fishing! Great job Ron!
- Sue Rose

My name is Jerry Butler from New Jersey and I had a really good experience fishing with you. I was visiting my son in Punta Gorda and fished with 4 different guides and you were far and away the best. I learned more and appreciated your patience and expertise in making it a great time.
- Jerry Butler

Thank you Thank you Thank you ~ best day of fishing ever! We have the pics to prove it. These are more than you probably want or need but you're getting them anyway and do take note who's in most of them. I told David good thing one of us brought dinner home ~ now it's up to him to cook it so if you have any more good recipes, please share. He made the last one you gave him with the bananas & jalapenos baked on the grouper and it was delicious. We had a really fun day and will be back for more as soon as we can. Next on the list is tarpon ~ can't wait.
Also, someone asked me why you can only keep snook in a certain size range and I was able to answer the question thanks to you! I also told him that it's called a slot, not a size range....
- Sue Rose
Ron, Just wanted to thank you again for a great fishing trip. My grandson, Trey can’t stop talking about it. Hope you had a good tarpon trip.
- John Taggart

Thanks again for guiding in the tournament. Barry and I both had a great time.
- Jon Rowzie

Hi Ron, Here's the photo of the 37", 15 lb snook caught off Bulls Bay with you as guide on Saturday, March 30th. Earlier that day I caught a 12 lb snook as well. Overall, the two days with you as guide was the best fishing I've ever experienced in Florida. We caught redfish, sea trout and snook just where you said they would be. Charlie and Join are just as enthusiastic about your guiding and their fishing success as well.